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Version: v1.10

Managing Capabilities

In KubeVela, developers can install more capabilities (i.e. new component types and traits) from any GitHub repo that contains OAM definition files. We call these GitHub repos as Capability Centers.

KubeVela is able to discover OAM definition files in this repo automatically and sync them to your own KubeVela platform.

Add a capability center

Add a registry in KubeVela:

vela registry config my-center
Successfully configured registry my-center

Now, this registry my-center is ready to use.

List capability centers

You are allowed to add more capability centers and list them.

vela registry ls
NAME            URL                                                    
default oss://

[Optional] Remove a capability center

Or, remove one.

vela registry remove my-center

List all available capabilities in capability center

Or, list all available ComponentDefinition/TraitDefinition in certain registry.

vela trait --discover --registry=my-center
vela comp --discover --registry=my-center

## Install a capability from capability center

Now let's try to install the new component named `clonesetservice` from `my-center` to your own KubeVela platform.

You need to install OpenKruise first.

helm install kruise

Install clonesetservice component from my-center.

vela comp get clonesetservice --registry=my-center

Use the newly installed capability

Let's check the clonesetservice appears in your platform firstly:

vela components
NAME            NAMESPACE   WORKLOAD                    DESCRIPTION
clonesetservice vela-system Describes long-running, scalable, containerized services
that have a stable network endpoint to receive external
network traffic from customers. If workload type is skipped
for any service defined in Appfile, it will be defaulted to
`webservice` type.

Great! Now let's deploy an app via Appfile.

cat << EOF > vela.yaml
name: testapp
type: clonesetservice
image: oamdev/hello-world
port: 8000
vela up
Parsing vela appfile ...
Load Template ...

Rendering configs for service (testsvc)...
Writing deploy config to (.vela/deploy.yaml)

Applying application ...
Checking if app has been deployed...
App has not been deployed, creating a new deployment...
Updating:, Kind=HealthScope in default
✅ App has been deployed 🚀🚀🚀
Port forward: vela port-forward testapp
SSH: vela exec testapp
Logging: vela logs testapp
App status: vela status testapp
Service status: vela status testapp --svc testsvc

then you can Get a cloneset in your environment.

kubectl get
testsvc 1 1 1 1 1 46s

Uninstall a capability

NOTE: make sure no apps are using the capability before uninstalling.

kubectl delete componentdefinition -n vela-system clonesetservice