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Version: v1.9

Alibaba Cloud MSE


Terraform configuration for Alibaba Cloud MSE.


acl_entry_listThe whitelist.list(any)false
cluster_alias_nameThe alias name of MSE Cluster.stringfalse
cluster_specificationThe engine specification of MSE Cluster. Valid values: MSE_SC_1_2_200_c:1C2G MSE_SC_2_4_200_c:2C4G MSE_SC_4_8_200_c:4C8G MSE_SC_8_16_200_c:8C16G.stringfalse
cluster_typeThe type of MSE Cluster. Valid values: ZooKeeper、Nacos-Ans and Eureka.stringfalse
cluster_versionThe version of MSE Cluster. Valid values: ZooKeeper_3_4_14, ZooKeeper_3_5_5, NACOS_ANS_1_1_3, NACOS_ANS_1_2_1, EUREKA_1_9_3.stringfalse
net_typeThe type of network. Valid values: privatenet and pubnet.stringfalse
writeConnectionSecretToRefThe secret which the cloud resource connection will be written to.writeConnectionSecretToReffalse


nameThe secret name which the cloud resource connection will be written to.stringtrue
namespaceThe secret namespace which the cloud resource connection will be written to.stringfalse


If writeConnectionSecretToRef is set, a secret will be generated with these keys as below:

INTERNET_DOMAINThe internet domain of the resource
INTERNET_PORTThe internet port of the resource
INTRANET_DOMAINThe intranet domain of the resource
INTRANET_PORTThe intranet port of the resource
Net_TYPEThe type of network
RESOURCE_IDENTIFIERThe identifier of the resource