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Version: v1.10



Creates a DC/OS Cluster on GCP | Convenience Wrapper for GCP



accepted_internal_networksSubnet ranges for all internal networkslistfalse
additional_private_agent_ipsAdditional private agent IPs.false
additional_public_agent_ipsAdditional public agent IPs.false
admin_ipsList of CIDR admin IPslisttrue
ansible_additional_configAdd additional config options to ansible. This is getting merged with generated defaults. Do not specify dcos:false
ansible_bundled_containerDocker container with bundled dcos-ansible and ansible executablesfalse
availability_zonesList of availability_zones to be used as the same format that are required by the platform/cloud providers. i.e ['RegionZone']listfalse
bootstrap_gcp_image[BOOTSTRAP] Image to be usedfalse
bootstrap_machine_type[BOOTSTRAP] Machine typefalse
bootstrap_os[BOOTSTRAP] Operating system to use. Instead of using your own AMI you could use a provided OS.false
bootstrap_root_volume_size[BOOTSTRAP] Root volume size in GBfalse
bootstrap_root_volume_type[BOOTSTRAP] Root volume typefalse
cluster_nameName of the DC/OS clusterfalse
cluster_name_random_stringAdd a random string to the cluster namefalse
dcos_instance_osOperating system to use. Instead of using your own AMI you could use a provided OS.false
labelsAdd custom labels to all resourcesmapfalse
masters_gcp_image[MASTERS] Image to be usedfalse
masters_machine_type[MASTERS] Machine typefalse
masters_os[MASTERS] Operating system to use. Instead of using your own AMI you could use a provided OS.false
masters_root_volume_size[MASTERS] Root volume size in GBfalse
num_mastersSpecify the amount of masters. For redundancy you should have at least 3false
num_private_agentsSpecify the amount of private agents. These agents will provide your main resourcesfalse
num_public_agentsSpecify the amount of public agents. These agents will host marathon-lb and edgelbfalse
private_agents_gcp_image[PRIVATE AGENTS] Image to be usedfalse
private_agents_machine_type[PRIVATE AGENTS] Machine typefalse
private_agents_os[PRIVATE AGENTS] Operating system to use. Instead of using your own AMI you could use a provided OS.false
private_agents_root_volume_size[PRIVATE AGENTS] Root volume size in GBfalse
private_agents_root_volume_type[PRIVATE AGENTS] Root volume typefalse
public_agents_access_ipsList of ips allowed access to public agents. admin_ips are joined to this listlistfalse
public_agents_additional_portsList of additional ports allowed for public access on public agents (80 and 443 open by default)false
public_agents_gcp_image[PUBLIC AGENTS] Image to be usedfalse
public_agents_machine_type[PUBLIC AGENTS] Machine typefalse
public_agents_os[PUBLIC AGENTS] Operating system to use. Instead of using your own AMI you could use a provided OS.false
public_agents_root_volume_size[PUBLIC AGENTS] Root volume sizefalse
public_agents_root_volume_type[PUBLIC AGENTS] Specify the root volume type.false
ssh_public_keySSH public key in authorized keys format (e.g. 'ssh-rsa ..') to be used with the instances. Make sure you added this key to your ssh-agent.false
ssh_public_key_filePath to SSH public key. This is mandatory but can be set to an empty string if you want to use ssh_public_key with the key as string.true
subnet_rangePrivate IP space to be used in CIDR formatfalse
writeConnectionSecretToRefThe secret which the cloud resource connection will be written towriteConnectionSecretToReffalse


nameThe secret name which the cloud resource connection will be written tostringtrue
namespaceThe secret namespace which the cloud resource connection will be written tostringfalse