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Version: v1.10

Config Template

The config template is defined with CUE language. To describe the config parameter, storage structure and extension features. His rendering works similarly to the Definition.

When you need to custom the template

  1. Create multiple configs with the same type. Such as the Image Registry and the Helm Repository.
  2. Define certain parameters and check the validity.
  3. Write the config to the Nacos server. Reference
  4. Render and generate the Secret or Other resources by the parameters. Such as the Grafana template.
  5. Need to classify the configs and list them.

How to define a template

Write a cue template

There are many Out-of-Box templates you could refer to.

More templates let's find in the addon catalog.

A sample template should include sections:

  • metadata(Required)
metadata: {
name: "terraform-alibaba"
alias: "Terraform Provider for Alibaba Cloud"
sensitive: true
scope: "system"
description: "Terraform Provider for Alibaba Cloud"

Define the base info for this template.

  • template.parameter(Required)
template: {
parameter: {
//+usage=The name of Terraform Provider for Alibaba Cloud, default is `default`
name: *"default" | string
//+usage=Get ALICLOUD_ACCESS_KEY per this guide
//+usage=Get ALICLOUD_SECRET_KEY per this guide
//+usage=Get ALICLOUD_REGION by picking one RegionId from Alibaba Cloud region list
  • template.output
output: {
apiVersion: "v1"
kind: "Secret"
metadata: {
namespace: context.namespace
type: "Opaque"
stringData: credentials: strings.Join([creds1, creds2], "\n")

This section is not required, If you want to specify, it must be a Secret.

  • template.outputs
outputs: {
"grafana": {
apiVersion: ""
kind: "Grafana"
metadata: {
spec: {
endpoint: parameter.endpoint
if parameter.auth != _|_ {
access: {
if parameter.auth.username != _|_ && parameter.auth.password != _|_ {
username: parameter.auth.username
password: parameter.auth.password
if parameter.auth.token != _|_ {
token: parameter.auth.token

This section defines the output resources other than Secret. They will be created after the config is created and deleted after the config is deleted.

  • template.nacos
nacos: {
// The endpoint can not references the parameter.
endpoint: {
// Users must create a config base the nacos-server template firstly.
name: "nacos"
format: parameter.contentType

// could references the parameter
metadata: {
dataId: parameter.dataId
if parameter.appName != _|_ {
appName: parameter.appName
if parameter.namespaceId != _|_ {
namespaceId: parameter.namespaceId
if parameter.tenant != _|_ {
tenant: parameter.tenant
if parameter.tag != _|_ {
tag: parameter.tag
content: parameter.content

This section is not required if you don't want to create a Nacos config template.

Apply to the hub cluster

  1. Create or update a template
vela config-template apply -f template.cue
  1. Show the parameters of the template
vela config-template show <Template Name>

How to share the template

We could copy the cue script to others. But, The addon is a common carrier to share the user-friendly config templates to more community users.

This is an example:

├── config-templates
│   ├── image-registry.cue
│   ├── nacos-config.cue
│   └── nacos-server.cue
├── metadata.yaml
├── parameter.cue
├── resources
│   ├── apiserver.cue
│   └── velaux.cue

When installing this addon, the templates will be applied to the hub cluster.