Code Contribution Guide
You will learn the following things in the code contribution guide:
- How to Run KubeVela Locally
- How to Run VelaUX Locally
- How to Create a pull request
- Code Review Guide
- Formatting guidelines of pull request
Run KubeVela Locally
This guide helps you get started developing KubeVela.
- Golang version 1.19+
Install Golang
- Kubernetes version v1.20+ with
configured. (Don't have a test cluster? Try VelaD to develop KubeVela)
- golangci-lint 1.49.0+, it will install automatically if you run
, you can install it manually if the installation broken.
Install golangci-lint manually
- kustomize 4.5.4+, it will install automatically if you run
make reviewable
, you can install it manually if the installation broken.
Install kustomize manually
ginkgo 1.14.0+ (just for E2E test)
go install
kubebuilder v3.1.0+ and you need to manually install the dependency tools for unit test.
Install Kubebuilder manually
CUElang v0.4.3+
go install
Other tools for running
make reviewable
in KubeVela.go install
go install
go install
You may also be interested with KubeVela's design before diving into its code.
- Clone this project
git clone
KubeVela includes two parts, vela core
and vela cli
- The
vela core
is actually a K8s controller, it will watch OAM Spec CRD and deploy resources. - The
vela cli
is a command line tool that can build, run apps(with the help ofvela core
For local development, we probably need to build both of them.
- Build Vela CLI
After the vela cli built successfully, make
command will create vela
binary to bin/
under the project.
- Configure
binary to System PATH
export PATH=$PATH:/your/path/to/project/kubevela/bin
Then you can use vela
command directly.
- Build Vela Core
make manager
- Run Vela Core
Firstly make sure your cluster has CRDs, below is the command that can help install all CRDs.
make core-install
To ensure you have created vela-system namespace and install definitions of necessary module. you can run the command:
make def-install
And then run locally:
make core-run
This command will run controller locally, it will use your local KubeConfig which means you need to have a k8s cluster locally. If you don't have one, try VelaD to develop KubeVela.
When you're developing vela-core
, make sure the controller installed by helm chart is not running.
Otherwise, it will conflict with your local running controller.
You can check and uninstall it by using helm.
helm list -A
helm uninstall -n vela-system kubevela
It's necessary to write tests for good code quality, please refer to the principle of test before you start.
Unit test
make test
To execute the unit test of the API module, the mongodb service needs to exist locally.
make unit-test-apiserver
Integration and E2E test
Before e2e test start, make sure you have vela-core running.
make core-run
Start to test.
make e2e-test
Debugging Locally with Remote KubeVela Environment
To run vela-core locally for debugging with kubevela installed in the remote cluster:
- Firstly, scaling the replicas of
to 0 for leader election ofcontroller-manager
:kubectl scale deploy -n vela-system kubevela-vela-core --replicas=0
- Secondly, removing the
, otherwise an error will be reported when applying your application usingvela-cli
:kubectl delete ValidatingWebhookConfiguration kubevela-vela-core-admission -n vela-system
kubectl delete MutatingWebhookConfiguration kubevela-vela-core-admission -n vela-system
Finally, you can use the commands in the above Build and Testing sections, such as make run
, to code and debug in your local machine.
Note you will not be able to test features relate with validating/mutating webhooks in this way.
Run VelaUX Locally
VelaUX is the UI console of KubeVela, it's also an addon including apiserver code in kubevela
repo and the frontend code in velaux
Before start, please make sure you have already started the vela controller environment in kubevela repo directory.
make run-apiserver
By default, the apiserver will serving at "".
Get the VelaUX code by:
git clone
Configure the apiserver address:
cd velaux
echo "BASE_DOMAIN=''" > .env
Make sure you have installed yarn.
yarn install
yarn start
To execute the e2e test of the API module, the mongodb service needs to exist locally.
# save your config
mv ~/.kube/config ~/.kube/
kind create cluster --image kindest/node:v1.20.7@sha256:688fba5ce6b825be62a7c7fe1415b35da2bdfbb5a69227c499ea4cc0008661ca --name worker
kind get kubeconfig --name worker --internal > /tmp/worker.kubeconfig
kind get kubeconfig --name worker > /tmp/worker.client.kubeconfig
# restore your config
mv ~/.kube/ ~/.kube/config
make e2e-apiserver-test
Create a pull request
We're excited that you're considering making a contribution to the KubeVela project! This document guides you through the process of creating a pull request.
Before you begin
We know you're excited to create your first pull request. Before we get started, make sure your code follows the relevant code conventions.
Your first pull request
Before you submit a PR, run this command to ensure it is ready:
make reviewable
If this is your first time contributing to an open-source project on GitHub, make sure you read about Creating a pull request.
To increase the chance of having your pull request accepted, make sure your pull request follows these guidelines:
- Title and description matches the implementation.
- Commits within the pull request follow the Formatting guidelines.
- The pull request closes one related issue.
- The pull request contains necessary tests that verify the intended behavior.
- If your pull request has conflicts, rebase your branch onto the main branch.
If the pull request fixes a bug:
- The pull request description must include
Closes #<issue number>
orFixes #<issue number>
. - To avoid regressions, the pull request should include tests that replicate the fixed bug.
- Generally, we will maintain the last 2 releases for bugfix. You should add
backport release-x.x
label or comment/backport release-x.y
for the releases contained the bug, github bot will automatically backport this PR to the specified release branch after PR merged. If there're any conflicts, you should cherry-pick it manually.
Code review
Once you've created a pull request, the next step is to have someone review your change. A review is a learning opportunity for both the reviewer and the author of the pull request.
If you think a specific person needs to review your pull request, then you can tag them in the description or in a comment.
Tag a user by typing the @
symbol followed by their GitHub username.
We recommend that you read How to do a code review to learn more about code reviews.
Formatting guidelines
A well-written pull request minimizes the time to get your change accepted. These guidelines help you write good commit messages and descriptions for your pull requests.
Commit message format
KubeVela follows the conventional-commits and commit messages best practices to improve better history information.
The commit message should be structured as follows:
<type>[optional scope]: <subject>
[optional body]
Commit message with scope:
Feat(lang): add polish language
Commit message with no body:
Docs: correct spelling of CHANGELOG
Commit message with multi-paragraph body:
Fix: correct minor typos in code
see the issue for details
on typos fixed.
Reviewed-by: Z
Refs #133
Type is required to better capture the area of the commit, based on the Angular convention.
We capitalize the <type>
to make sure the subject line is capitalized. <type>
can be one of the following:
- Feat: A new feature
- Fix: A bug fix
- Docs: Documentation only changes
- Build: Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies
- Style: Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)
- Refactor: A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
- Perf: A code change that improves performance
- Test: Adding missing or correcting existing tests
- Chore: Changes to the build process or auxiliary tools and libraries such as documentation generation
Scope is optional, it may be provided to a commit’s type, to provide additional contextual information and is contained within parenthesis, it is could be anything specifying place of the commit change. Github issue link is also a valid scope. For example: Fix(cli), Feat(api), Fix(#233), etc.
You can use *
when the change affects more than a single scope.
The subject MUST immediately follow the colon and space after the type/scope prefix. The description is a short summary of the code changes, e.g., "Fix: array parsing issue when multiple spaces were contained in string", instead of "Fix: bug".
A longer commit body may be provided after the short subject, providing additional contextual information about the code changes. The body MUST begin one blank line after the description.
The area should use upper camel case, e.g. UpperCamelCase.
Prefer using one of the following areas:
- Application: Changes to the application controller.
- Component: Changes to the component related code or definition controller.
- Trait: Changes to the trait related code or definition controller.
- CUE: Changes to the CUE related logic.
- Docs: Changes to documentation.
Application: Support workflow in application controller
CUE: Fix patch parse issues
Docs: Changed url to URL in all documentation files
Pull request titles
The KubeVela team squashes all commits into one when we accept a pull request. The title of the pull request becomes the subject line of the squashed commit message. We still encourage contributors to write informative commit messages, as they become a part of the Git commit body.
We use the pull request title when we generate change logs for releases. As such, we strive to make the title as informative as possible.
Make sure that the title for your pull request uses the same format as the subject line in the commit message. If the format is not followed, we will add a label title-needs-formatting
on the pull request.
Pass all the CI checks
Before merge, All test CI should pass green.
should also pass. This means the coverage should not drop. Currently, the coverage of the Pull Request should have at least 70%.KubeVela uses DCO for contributor agreements. It requires you to sign-off every commit before the pull request being merged.
Git provides a convenient flag
in your commit command to sign-off automatically:git commit -s -m 'This is my commit message'
Contributors can also sign-off manually by adding a
line to commit messages as the following format, make sure the email matches your github account or the check bot won't pass.This is my commit message
Signed-off-by: Random Developer <>
Update the docs & website
If your pull request merged and this is a new feature or enhancement, it's necessary to update the docs and send a pull request to repo.
Learn how to write the docs by the following guide:
Great, you have complete the lifecycle of code contribution, try to join the community as a member if you're interested.