Deploy First Application
Before starting, please confirm that you've installed KubeVela and enabled the VelaUX addon according to the installation guide.
Welcome to KubeVela! This section will guide you to deliver your first app.
Deploy a classic application
Below is a classic KubeVela application which contains one component with one operational trait, basically, it means to deploy a container image as webservice with one replica. Additionally, there are three policies and workflow steps, it means to deploy the application into two different environments with different configurations.
kind: Application
name: first-vela-app
- name: express-server
type: webservice
image: oamdev/hello-world
- port: 8000
expose: true
- type: scaler
replicas: 1
- name: target-default
type: topology
# The cluster with name local is installed the KubeVela.
clusters: ["local"]
namespace: "default"
- name: target-prod
type: topology
clusters: ["local"]
# This namespace must be created before deploying.
namespace: "prod"
- name: deploy-ha
type: override
- type: webservice
- type: scaler
replicas: 2
- name: deploy2default
type: deploy
policies: ["target-default"]
- name: manual-approval
type: suspend
- name: deploy2prod
type: deploy
policies: ["target-prod", "deploy-ha"]
- Create an environment for your first app.
# This command will create a namespace in the local cluster
vela env init prod --namespace prod
expected output
- Starting to deploy the application
vela up -f
expected output
- View the process and status of the application deployment
vela status first-vela-app
expected output
The application status will change to workflowSuspending
, means the workflow has finished the first two steps and waiting for manual approval as per the step specified.
- Access the application
We can check the application by:
vela port-forward first-vela-app 8000:8000
It will invoke your browser and your can see the website:
expected output
- Resume the workflow
After we finished checking the application, we can approve the workflow to continue:
vela workflow resume first-vela-app
expected output
Then the rest will be delivered in the prod
vela status first-vela-app
expected output
Great! You have finished deploying your first KubeVela application, you can also view and manage it in UI.
Manage application with UI Console
After finishing the installation of VelaUX, you can view and manage the application created.
Port forward the UI if you don't have endpoint for access:
vela port-forward addon-velaux -n vela-system 8080:80
VelaUX need authentication, default username is
and the password isVelaUX12345
It requires you to override with a new password for the first login, please make sure to remember the new password.
- Check the resources deployed
Click the application card, then you can view the details of the application.
The UI console shares a different metadata layer with the controller. It's more like a PaaS architecture of a company which choose a database as the source of truth instead of relying on the etcd of Kubernetes.
By default, if you're using CLI to manage the applications directly from Kubernetes API, we will sync the metadata to UI backend automatically. Once you deployed the application from the UI console, the automatic sync process will be stopped as the source of truth may be changed.
If the namespace of the application operated by CLI has already been associated with the corresponding environment in UI, then the application will be automatically synchronized to the project associated with that environment in UI. Otherwise, the application will be synchronized to the default project. If you want to specify which project in UI console an application should be synchronized to, please refer to Creating environments for the project.
If there're any changes happen from CLI after that, the UI console will detect the difference and show it for you. However, it's not recommended to modify the application properties from both sides.
In conclusion, if you're a CLI/YAML/GitOps user, you'd better just use CLI to manage the application CRD and just use the UI console (velaux) as a dashboard. Once you've managed the app from the UI console, you need to align the behavior and manage apps from UI, API, or Webhook provided by velaux.
Clean up
vela delete first-vela-app
expected output
That's it! You succeed at the first application delivery. Congratulation!
Next Step
- View Core Concepts to learn more about how it works.
- View User Guide to look on more of what you can achieve with KubeVela.