Install KubeVela on Kubernetes
1. Kubernetes Requirements:
- Kubernetes cluster >= v1.19 && <= v1.24
KubeVela relies on Kubernetes as a control plane. The control plane could be any managed Kubernetes offering or your own clusters, such as:
- Alibaba Cloud ACK Service
- AWS EKS Service
- Azure AKS Service
- Google GKE Service
- Rancher K3s or RKE
2. Install KubeVela CLI
KubeVela CLI provides an easy way to engage and manage your application delivery in command lines.
- Script
- Homebrew
- Download directly from releases
- Asdf-vm
- Docker
curl -fsSl | bash -s v1.7.7
Only the official release version is supported.
powershell -Command "iwr -useb | iex"
Update your brew first. Please note that the brew method only supports the installation of the official release version.
brew update
Then install KubeVela CLI
brew install kubevela
- Download the latest
binary file via release log. - Unzip the binary file, and configure the environment variables in
, and you're done.
sudo mv ./vela /usr/local/bin/vela
- Installation Tips:
- If you are using a Mac system, it will pop up a warning that "vela" cannot be opened because the package from the developer cannot be verified.
- MacOS imposes stricter restrictions on the software that can run in the system. You can temporarily solve this problem by opening
System Preference ->Security & Privacy -> General
and clicking onAllow Anyway
If you are using the asdf version manager, you can install vela
# Add the vela plugin for asdf
asdf plugin add vela
# List all installable versions
asdf list-all vela
# Install the desired version (could be "latest")
asdf install vela <version>
# set it as the global version, unless a project declares it otherwise locally
asdf global vela <version>
If you have docker environment, you can easily run CLI with the vela CLI docker image called oamdev/vela-cli
$ docker run --rm -it -v ~/.kube:/root/.kube oamdev/vela-cli version
CLI Version: master
Core Version: v1.3.4
GitRevision: git-1d823780
GolangVersion: go1.17.10
Refer to using Vela CLI docker image for more usage.
3. Install KubeVela Core
- Default
- Helm
$ vela install
check out the outcome
If you are helm user, you can also use helm to install KubeVela core:
helm v3.2.0+ required
helm repo add kubevela
helm repo update
helm install --create-namespace -n vela-system kubevela kubevela/vela-core --wait
4. Install VelaUX
VelaUX is a dashboard for KubeVela. It is a web application that runs in your cluster. You can access it with your browser. This is optional if you don't use UI console of KubeVela.
Please refer to VelaUX Guide.
5. Custom Installation or Upgrade
Please refer advanced installation